Frequently Asked Questions
which populations do you serve?
Mend serves adults for individual counseling in Oxford, Mississippi. We also offer appointments via telehealth as long as the client is in Mississippi at the time of the session.
what is the cost?
We are in network with Blue Cross and Blue Shield. The cost of therapy will depend on your insurance policy. Sessions are categorized as office visits. If you have a copay when you go for a sick visit, it is typically the same.
If you are not in network with BCBS or choose not to use insurance, the cost per session is $190. We can supply a superbill, if you would like to file with your insurance provider.
We accept cash, checks, credit/debit cards, and FSA/HSA cards. Payment is due each session.
how do i schedule a session?
For new client appointments, please click here.
Current clients can make an appointment using this link.